Zaksee Parrot Sanctuary was established for one reason only, to “provides a loving home for parrots that truly need us”. We cannot do that without your help.

I have included all of the information below for shipping your birds safely. It is recommended that you make a vet appointment and make sure your bird is healthy before shipping if possible although Health Certificates are no longer required by the Airlines.
We only use Delta Pet First as they fly the birds in climate controlled cabins and they go “counter to counter” meaning we are right there to receive them upon landing (They do not sit out on the tarmac like the luggage). There are some things you will need to do to prepare for the flight. You will need to get a pet carrier large enough for your bird to stand on a perch and for the bird to still have enough room that the head does not touch the top of the carrier. I recommend screwing a perch inside through the outside of the carrier with regular wood screws and a washer right through the carrier into a (bird safe) piece of wood. Put a layer of newspaper in. No toys, bowls or water bottles in the carrier, and nothing that could hit her in flight. Only a handful of your bird’s food and some cut up apples or grapes or what ever has a high water content directly on the paper. Most Air Cargo’s want you to “screen in” or “wire” the open holes in the carrier. Window screening or wire, duct taped to the outside is fine. You’ll need to call the reservation desk for Delta Pet First at 1-888-736-3738 and find out what flights are available (keep in mind they want you there 2 hours early).
You will be sending your bird to Tampa International Airport, also ask them for the number for your local “Air Cargo”. You will need this to find out what they require with regards to the carrier, and where they are located for you to take, as this is where you will take her for the flight. Before you leave your house to take your bird to the air cargo, make sure you call them as well to make sure the flight is still on (Sometimes they overbook and the animals get bumped first). Then call me and let me know the possible flight times and we will arrange for the most convenient times for us both. I will also give you exact shipping address at that time. Then call the Reservation back and confirm, they will ask you for my name, address, and phone.
They will want the dimensions of the carrier and approximate weight. Which for most birds and carriers it under 10lb. and it should cost about 89.00 to ship a single bird and carrier. The price is adjusted when shipping multiple carriers and you will pay that when you drop off. You will receive a flight number, times and conf. number which you then call and give to us. We would also appreciate a call after you have dropped her off to make sure she got off smoothly. I will call you the minute your bird is with me. If there is any problem you will be notified immediately but after a day’s rest they are always back to their playful selves. I have done this many times and am not at all worried about flying birds. We have yet to receive an injured or stressed bird. Paperwork should include any health or sexing records, approximate age of the bird, a list of what the bird like to eat, regular diet, known words, your contact information and Health Certificate’s used to be required before your animal was shipped (flown) but are no longer required.
If you would like to send a box of toys before the flight so that we can set up their new cage with familiar items, that would be appreciated as well.
Though we cannot endorse or name any of these services, if you search for pet transporters on Google you will see several options. I would look for a person that would handle the trip and has experience. The websites will allow you to place a request and receive several bids to review. They will have reviews of their performance so you can choose someone with experience
Transporting an animal in a car with personal attention is less stressful and I think in most cases more economical. Just remember to coordinate with us the time of arrival and have the transporter contact us with progress of the trip and allow us to guide them to our location.

We are located in the Tampa, Florida area and request you contact us for appointments for your visit. We do encourage you to visit if possible when considering placing your parrot into our sanctuary. We also encourage you to contribute in any way possible. Financially or by volunteering. Volunteers make a difference in this world!
Zaksee is a 501(c)(3) designated not-for-profit charity. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division Of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state of Florida. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.
Every dollar helps and 100% of your donation is tax deductible and goes directly for the rescue, rehab, a forever home. While allowing the birds to have the freedom to be a parrot and to fly again.